
Mental Health Support During COVID-19

We’ve all experienced stress during COVID-19, multiple times and in various ways. One way to cope with some of that stress is to talk with a professional. I recently participated in a workshop with other special education advocates on self-care hosted by MassSupport. The MassSupport Network provides free (through mid-May) community outreach and support services statewide to people of all ages.

In the workshop we talked about how our personal and professional lives look different during COVID and our individual ways of hitting reset, even if just for a day, hour, or minute. One of my favorite suggestions came from a colleague who follows the morning sun in her house with a nice warm cup of tea. That’s certainly is a challenge during our gray New England winters but one I’m willing to try.

The outreach counselors at MassSupport are there to help you reduce stress, develop coping strategies, understand your needs and options, and connect you with additional resources in confidential and anonymous one-on-one sessions. Coping groups are also available for parents with children who are attending school remotely, COVID-19 survivors, and healthcare and mental health workers. The MassSupport website also lists resources, including, a family-friendly website designed for parents of school-aged children in Massachusetts who are worried about their child’s mental health.

I encourage you to take advantage of MassSupport’s free service to unload some of that stress and find your ‘morning sun’.