EF Skills FAQ

What are Executive Functioning (EF) Skills?

Executive functioning skills are the mental processes that allow us to plan, initiate, focus, organize, manage our time and emotions while juggling multiple tasks. These skills depend on working memory, mental flexibility, and self-control. We aren’t born with these skills but we do have the ability to develop them over time. Some people require more support in doing so.

Why are EF Skills important?

Executive functioning skills are crucial for learning and development. They enable students and professionals to organize their work, plan long-term assignments, submit work on time, track upcoming activities and events, manage emotions and maintain a work/life balance.

Where do we use EF skills?

Executive functioning skills are used in multiple environments including school, work, and home. They help us manage family, friends, and our relationships in all settings.

How can EF skills be improved?

Practice is the best way to improve executive functioning skills. Our brains continue to develop into our adult years, which means everyone can still learn and strengthen skills. Through executive functioning coaching, the client practices these skills while being supported by a professional and guiding them in reaching their goals.

Source: Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University